
Apparently I’m a stalker. OH! And a skinny blond.

So the other day I was driving the bus for my day care to pick up children from school. I thought everything was fine until I went around this long line of cars to get to a different parking lot. The bus is actually more like a large van, so I didn’t think that it was a big deal.

When I got back to my work, my boss (who I sometimes love sometimes hate. Just depends on the day I guess) asked me how I thought my driving had been. Apparently the school has called, stating that the driver of our bus, a skinny blond girl, was driving aggressively and cutting the line.

Luckily I didn’t get in trouble, but I was pretty pissed off. Not so much that they called to tattle tail on me, even though I did find out later that going around the line had been illegal and I could have gotten into even more trouble if a cop had been there, but that people don’t really seem to see me for what I am.

I know what I am, but to other people I seem to either be some kind of quite shy fat girl, or a loud outgoing drama queen. At least, that’s what the girls/women in my life think.
I once asked my mother why guys don’t like me. She said it was because I was too loud. Another friend of mine said my personality is so loud. But if that’s the case then why do I get over looked so much?

*sigh* I’ll never understand it I guess.

I’d like to think of myself as one of those cushy mother-like sassy ladies you often see in Adam Sandler movies and chick flicks. The ones whose husbands are spoken of but are either dead or never around. I think that’s because the screen writers realized they don’t know what kind of men marry women like that. They do undoubtedly get married though because they somehow produce offspring, and then just kind of mother everyone like a hen.

NE ways.

They usually have all the funny lies and by the end of the movie everyone agrees that she’s the kind of lady you’d wish was around all the time for either a word of advice or maybe someone to tell you what you need to hear just before they give you a warm hug.

Unfortunately I think the only people who see me like that at all are some of the kids at my day care, and they don’t really count.

For some reason, and I’ll probably say this a lot, guys just seem to see me as one of those stalker crazy chicks that want to trap them into a relationship. I have no clue why and I’ll never figure it out.

Think im making this up? I have proof. One time in my freshman year of college I met this guy at a theater club and thought he was cute. I lived in a dorm at the time and told the girls there. We found out where he lived and then they insisted I go with them over there to invite him to a party we were having.

At his place, I just stood in the doorway, let my friends do everything. At the party, I sat by him to talk to him once before he got up and walked away. I didn’t do anything else. Never went to his place, didn’t talk to him, NOTHING.

I later learned through a friend of a friend that this guy had labeled me, “THE STALKER” dun dun dun!!!!

And this theme seems to reoccur over and over. I cant so much as smile at a guy without him freaking out and running away. I must send out a “Stalker” vibe I guess…

I wonder if this happens to anyone else?

Oh well. Maybe someday prince charming will come around and bother to take a second glance to really look at me and see that the rope I’m holding is only made of liquorish.



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