
Culture Facts and Opinions while waiting for Cops

Ok so this morning I got woken up by a shrill beeping that I thought my roommates would take care of, but when it kept going I went on the hunt. I thought it was a smoke detector but actually in the end it was the security box. This freaked me out because we never use the security box! And the little light that flashed "trouble" was on.

Now, I dont know about you but I personally like to avoid trouble whenever possible. I figure most logical people do. But I didnt know how to turn the box off or make the flashy thing go away to I just started pushing buttons.

Eventually it turned off, but I dont know if thats because I disabled it or because I summoned the police. In any case Ill know in five more minutes if they come busting down my door...

In the meantime, I want to talk about the culture. Not necessarily mormon culture, but the culture of a single fat mormon girl.

I'll put these into catagories not just because I want to make it easy but also because im watching the movie "First Knight" and dont want to loose my train of thought.


-Single Mormon-

To be a single Mormon doesnt mean a lot to most of the world, after all there are a LOT of single people. However, to be a single mormon between the ages of 19-married, you are constantly in a category that you want to be out of. I am 22 myself, and so i'm not too far into the desperate zone, but according to older singles i've spoken to the older you get the more urgent you feel the need to get married.

This probably has to do with the fact that a mormon who is active and desires to live faithful to the covenants they've made with god do not have sex before they are married. This culture fact is one I do agree with for myself, and therefore I guess I will probably become more desperate the older I get while my singularity stays in tact.
To be a single mormon, especially in Utah, you fall into a cast system that puts you right below the married people. In college wards, the married people have a ward of their own, they have housing of their own.

It reminds me of this one time in kindgerarden when we had to count to 100 and if we did we got to color a spaceship and put it on the wall and we also got a treat. (I know a treat was involved because I REALLY wanted to do it!) You got one chance to do it, and if you messed up then you had to wait a whole other week to try again. But once you did it, it was like a big happy celebration and you didnt have to do it anymore! Your spaceship went up on the wall and you were now an official counter! YAY!

Its like the married young people. They get to move into a sort of protective and happy place where it seems like everyone is doing their best to make sure that the young couple can make the transition as easily as possible, considering how "hard" it must be to think you know a person and then marry them and find out that they are someone completely different.

Meanwhile everyone else just kept struggling on with numbers...

Atleast, thats what others tell me. A fact of which I HATE! I absolutely HATE waisting time or spending money on something and then dont get what I thought I was getting. Thats why I do a LOT of research on thing on ebay and amazon! I dont want to be disappointed. But apparently in marriage, you're always going to find out that: OMG! this person DOES fart! They DO have smelly bowl movements! They DO listen to country when I only like hiphop (or whatever the kids are listening to these days.)

Anyways, my point is, I'm not really complaining about this in the way that I plan on changing it. I've realized that even though this false image we all have to presence eachother in the dating game sucks, its something that has to be done unless you want to stay single forever.

NE ways.... on to the next topic!

-Fat Girl-

I'm actually writing a fictional book for teenage kids about a fat girl and a ghost. My reason for this being, as i've posted in an earlier blog, i'm sick of the media portraying these beautiful women as unattractive! Its ridiculous! They wont even use ugly girls for the ugly roles anymore! Look at Catherin Hepburn in the old movie "The Rain Maker" she wasnt anything really pretty to look at (in my opinion) and she was supposed to play a character that was plain. But in the end it didnt matter because she realized she had to see herself as beautiful first!

Now, we've got movies with gorgeous women like Scarlet Johansen and Angelina Jolie feeling sorry for themselves because "Oh my gosh! No one will date me!" and then !SURPRISE! someone does in the end.

*Pshaw* (And yes I do use that word in real life)

It's all media hype. The only movies or books i've ever seen that portray fat girls always end with them ending up with the guy only because they have a great personality. And thats fine I guess. I guess what i'd like to see is a movie where the girls fat, and no one cares. She doesnt smell, she looks nice, she has values and all those things important to a typical movie lady, but she's just chunky around the mid section!

So thats why i'm writing this book about this girl whose overweight, and actually is on herself about it all the time, and her personality isnt even that great, but in the end the guy still likes her and thinks she's beautiful, and no HE’s not fat either.


Why is it that people think "Hey, i'll set you up with my fat friend because their fat and so it will be ok!" ? OMG! Thats like saying, "Hey! I have a friend that has a green shirt on too! I'll set you guys up!"

One time I was going out with my family to the olive garden, and I saw this couple. Well actually they wernt a couple, judging by the awkwardness I could tell it was probably a set up date and it probably had gone very very wrong. They were both rather chunky people, and as they sat, saying nothing to eachother, eating their bread sticks, they looked everywhere but at eachother. She occasionally pulled out her cellphone to text someone, and the look on his face was saying, "I cant believe i'm going to be paying for this."

I swore to myself I would NEVER be in that situation, so I dont trust anyone to set me up on blind dates. But thats beside the point. Both of them had expected more, and yet obviously some mutual friend had been like, "OH! He's fat and shes fat! They'll be perfect for each other!"

Dont get me wrong though, i'm not opposed to dating a fat guy either. I'm just opposed to going on a date with someone because they're fat. And the same should go for every other fat girl out there, be her mormon or no.

Well, the police didnt come for me, so I guess i'm safe.



Anonymous said...

I believe there's someone out there for everyone =3

Also, agreed on women in the media. I mean, IMHO, America Ferrara is really pretty. So... her character's ugly cos she has braces and wears glasses?

It's pretty annoying when they portray fat girls as ugly, or they're such nice people they just happen to be fat. There are plenty of fat people who suck as well ¬_¬

And LOL, yes, setting a fat person up with a fat person just because they're fat is stupid. I'm short in stature... guess what kind of guys I get set up with?

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