So its 12: 47 am exactly, and I should be asleep. But I cant sleep. And the reason for this is because people are SICK! There are some sick SICKOS out there!
And they scare me... they scare me to death.
Ok i'll explain.
There's a new movie coming out. One i've never had any intention of seeing. The movie: "Last house on the left."
However, with a lot of scary movies like that im sort of curious of the plot, so I did what I usually do when I want to know what a movies about. I went to Wiki.
Yeah yeah! I know! Wikis unpredictable and stupid but it can be useful.
Anyways, I found the plot for the old version of the movie, and i'll tell you the people back in the 70s were just as sick if not sicker than the movie makers of today.
I only had to read two sentences TWO SENTENCES of that plot before I felt physically ill! I couldnt BELIEVE what they put in movies for entertainment! It was like, the worst thing i've ever EVER EVER EEEEEVER considered happening in a movie (other than if it had happened to a child.)
Like, and im not naive. I know what really disturbing stuff happens and quite often in movies, but this was just unbelievably sick!
I think i've mad emy point.
Now i'm afraid to go to bed. Luckily i'm not so sick anymore, but the disturbingness of what I read is still bugging me and probably will do so on til tomorrow.
Whats my point you ask? There isnt one. Im just blogging. So deal! DEAL!
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